Jackson Bollocks

Heads you win, tails you loose?

'All things bright and beautiful,'

'All things unexpected, and deadly'.

William at home at ease in chair.
William at home at ease in chair.
William, near Whitesands beach, near St Davids
William, near Whitesands beach, near St Davids

'So, you are a poor little rich boy, born with a silver spoon in his mouth, who thinks he had a hard time. Go away. Stop wasting our time.'

NHS, community mental health psychiatrist c1990.

Rambling Syd Rumpo, Spike Milligan, progressive rock, Luciano Pavarotti, Monty Python. Walking: exploring old and new places, always learning.

Never give up, never give in, always keep going.

William on the Pembrokeshire costal path
William on the Pembrokeshire costal path

A note to the weight conscious:

North Atlantic Pollock - 92 calories per 100g

Goat testicles - 80 to 100 calories per 100g

Jackson Bollocks, zero calories.

Jackson Bollocks an eclectic, reflective mix, focusing on our increasingly infantilised, intolerant, puritanical society. Accompany me on my voyage of increasing irritation, annoyance, and occasional joy all seasoned by the the addition of a few vivid stories from my life.

William at home at ease in chair.
William at home at ease in chair.

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